Ronen Rubinstein on TK's Journey in the Final Season of '9-1-1: Lone Star' & Series Highlights
Pop Culture Unplugged w/ EliasOctober 17, 202400:24:55

Ronen Rubinstein on TK's Journey in the Final Season of '9-1-1: Lone Star' & Series Highlights

Ronen Rubinstein recently joined Elias on Pop Culture Unplugged to discuss the final season of 9-1-1: Lone Star. Ronen shares behind-the-scenes stories from working alongside Rob Lowe and Rafael Silva, reflects on the evolution of his character TK Strand, and opens up about what fans can expect from the emotional conclusion of the series. Don't miss this in-depth conversation about the highs and challenges of playing TK, his favorite scenes, and what’s next for Ronen after 9-1-1: Lone Star.

Reflecting on the Final Season: Ronen shares his thoughts on what it means to say goodbye to the character of TK Strand and the emotions of wrapping up the show.

Working with Rob Lowe: Insightful stories about working alongside Rob Lowe, including memorable on-set moments and any valuable advice he received from his co-star.

Chemistry with Rafael Silva: Ronen discusses building the bond with Rafael Silva (Carlos) and the process behind creating the beloved "Tarlos" dynamic, including their favorite scenes to film together.

Favorite and Most Challenging Scenes: Ronen talks about the hardest scenes to film throughout the series, as well as those that were the most enjoyable or rewarding.

Future Hopes for the Characters: Ronen shares his thoughts on a potential spinoff and where he sees the characters of TK and Carlos going in the future.

Fan Appreciation: Ronen expresses his gratitude to the fans who have supported him and the show over the years, reflecting on what he hopes they take away from TK's story.

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