Spencer Lord: Navigating a Diverse Career, Teasing Family Law Season 3, and Beyond

EG: Spencer, Thank you so much for joining us in this interview. Growing up in a semi-desert environment in Kamloops, you were very active in sports, gymnastics, and martial arts. How do you think your early experiences in physical activities have influenced your approach to acting?

Spencer: I think everything we do influences our work, so absolutely. As far as how? I'm not sure. I think art is an expression of the artist at a particular time in their life and every experience they've ever had has brought them here, so it's all part of the soup.

EG: Acting wasn't initially on your radar, but at 18, you landed the lead role in the school production of "Kiss Me Kate." What was that experience like, and how did it shape your perception of acting as a potential career?

Spencer: At the time it didn't make acting seem like a potential career at all because I wasn't raised to believe that was even a possibility, so the school play was just a really fun new thing for me to do with my friends. A few years later it jumped out at me as something I could be happy doing so I decided to make a go at it career-wise. But yeah, it was a seminal time, planting a little performing seed that slowly germinated while I explored other avenues in life.

EG: After completing a degree in mechanical engineering and working as a project manager, you made the decision to pursue acting full-time. Can you share the moment or realization that led you to make such a significant career shift?

Spencer: It was a while back now, so forgive me for not remembering an exact moment, but I was often sitting at my desk, miserable, wondering how I would ever be happy if I kept going along that path. Then I guess that little theater seedling finally made itself apparent and I decided to take a peek in that direction.

EG: The school production of "Kiss Me Kate" became one of your fondest memories. What specific aspects of that experience made it so special for you?

Spencer: The group of people I did the play with. Some were friends, the ones who convinced me to audition in the first place, and some were kids I didn't spend much time with. I think this was the first time I really expanded my social circle and that helped me understand a little more about myself: that I wasn't just a jock and a goofball, I was also a theater goofball. And a total nerd, but I'd known that from a young age. Also the fact that from then on I knew I could take my shower singing to the stage and perform in front of hundreds of people and not pee myself. That's important.

EG: You've had roles in notable projects like "Riverdale," "The Good Doctor," and CBC’s "Heartland." How do you approach preparing for different characters, and are there any specific challenges you've faced in these diverse roles?

Spencer: Every character demands something different from me, so preparing for each role is unique. Depending on how much time I have, it might include some source research, exploration of music and visual media, historical digging, etc. But I think the goal every time is to come to a place where I can arrive on set, comfortable and with enough understanding of self and story, and be an open channel for the director to work material through me. Heartland was an interesting one given I'd never ridden a horse before. Total greenhorn in the saddle. Luckily for me, I had some great teachers on the wrangler crew throughout filming, and I was even fortunate enough to get some training from one of the country's greatest horsemen, Clint Swales. Thanks to all those folks, I went from never being in a saddle to really having an appreciation for riding and respecting the hell out of all the cowboys and cowgirls out there.

EG: In "Family Law," you play Aiden Walsh, the firefighting love interest of Jewel Staite’s character. Can you tell us more about your character and the dynamics he brings to the series?

Spencer: He's a kind, compassionate guy genuinely interested in exploring a long-term relationship with Abby (Jewel Staite). Unfortunately for him, from the perspective of her family, he's a bit of a boy toy, bringing a little unneeded tension to Abby's relationship with her dad and brother.

EG: "Family Law" features an incredibly talented cast. How has the experience been working with actors like Jewel Staite and the rest of the ensemble?

Spencer: Susin Nielson (showrunner) has brought together a real unique group of people, casting some industry vets and some very talented young actors to build a diverse cast that just gels. They all love each other so much and it shows in the ease with which they work together. Coming onto a show like that? Easy peasy.

EG: With Season 3 of "Family Law" recently premiered on January 17, 2024, what can viewers expect in terms of character development and storyline for Aiden Walsh?

Spencer: Oh, I ain't one to spoil the plot for everybody but I'll say that his relationship with Abby is truly put to the test.

EG: Are there any upcoming projects or specific roles you aspire to take on in the future? How do you see your acting career evolving, and are there particular genres or characters you would like to explore?

Spencer: I'm an aspiring jack-of-all-trades, really interested in exploring whatever kinds of characters I can get a hold of. What would be really cool would be to get to the point where I have several projects to choose from and I can choose the one I'm most interested in at the time. That's the goal.

EG: How can everyone find you on social media?

Spencer: @spennylord

Photo credit: The Portrait Sessions